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Passing AbilitySpecial values into Lua

Given this "AbilitySpecial" block in the ability:

"var_type" "FIELD_INTEGER"
"radius" "300"
"var_type" "FIELD_INTEGER"
"mana_per_second" "5 10 15 20"

There are 2 functions to connect these with: GetSpecialValueFor and GetLevelSpecialValueFor. Both are applied over an ability.

local ability = event.ability
local radius = ability:GetSpecialValueFor("radius")
local mana_per_second = ability:GetLevelSpecialValueFor("mana_per_second", (ability:GetLevel() - 1))

The first one will get the value for the current level of the ability.

The second one will get the value for the specified level of the ability

The first one is the most common and should be used every time, unless you need the value for a specific level.

Note the use of (ability:GetLevel() - 1) as the second parameter (which tells the script which level to take). This is needed because ability levels are 1-indexed but GetLevelSpecialValueFor is 0-indexed.