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Making a "rpg-like" looting chest

Hello , it's the first time i'm making a tutorial here (and on lua too) I was working on this for the last 2 day for my mod , an I didn't seen something similar for now So today i'll teach you how to make a chest you must open , and then you can obtain item or gold from it (or anything you want idc)

first off , you need to create you chest item in npc_item_custom.txt :

// General
"ID" "1282" // Here put a unused ID.
"AbilityBehavior" "DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_CHANNELLED|DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_NO_TARGET" // here we define it as a channeled item
"BaseClass" "item_datadriven"
"AbilityTextureName" "item_present" //Here goes the texture name of the item
"ItemShareability" "ITEM_FULLY_SHAREABLE" // make everyone able to use it
"Model" "models/props_winter/present.vmdl"
"ItemKillable" "0" // the chest can't be destroyed when on ground
"ItemSellable" "0" // can't be sold at a shop
"ItemPurchasable" "0" //can't be purchased
"ItemDroppable" "1" // can be put on the ground (set it to 0 if you don't want allow the player to
"ItemCost" "99999"
"ItemQuality" "artifact"
"AbilityCooldown" "1.0" //time before the player can open another chest
"AbilityChannelTime" "1.0" //time the player must channel to open the chest

"ScriptFile" "lua_datadriven/chest.lua" //create a folder named lua_item in "your_game_mode\scripts\vscripts" and create a text file called chest.lua
"Function" "chest_open" // here we call the function
"chest_name" "chest_1" // here you can give a name to this chest in case you want more than 1 chest type
"gold" "1" // does this chest give gold or only item ? (0 = no gold , 1 = gold instead of item , 2 = gold + item)
"gold_amt" "1500" // how many gold the chest give if it give out
"gold_rand" "250" // if you want gold to be random


then your script in lua_datadriven/chest.lua

function chest_open(keys)
local item_list = LoadKeyValues("scripts/kv/chest_result.kv") --Here we load a kv file where we will put all the item you can find in chest
local caster = keys.caster
local Player_ID = caster:GetPlayerOwnerID()
local item = keys.ability
local gold = 0
if >0 then
gold = keys.gold_amt + math.random(-(keys.gold_rand),(keys.gold_rand))
caster:RemoveItem(item)--Here we remove the chest
local chest_name = keys.chest_name

item_list = item_list[chest_name] --he we load the item list specific to this chest
--DeepPrintTable (item_list) --undo the commentary to check if your item_list is right
local len = 0
for k,v in pairs( item_list ) do
len = len + 1
local item_number = 0
if == 1 then
item_number = math.random(1,(len + 1)) --here we determine the item number (soo here we chose the item), the +1 is to add the gold chance in ,you can change it to 2 or more if you want gold to have higger change of appear
item_number = math.random(1,len)
if item_number > len then --in case the player obtaine gold instead of item
PlayerResource:ModifyGold(Player_ID, gold, true, 0 )
local item_name = item_list[tostring(item_number)] -- i know it could be better , but i'm not realy used to kv
local item_reward = CreateItem( item_name, caster, caster )
if == 2 then
PlayerResource:ModifyGold(Player_ID, gold, true, 0 )

and finaly we create our kv file where we put all the item for each chest "scripts/kv/chest_result.kv"

"1" "item_assault"
"2" "item_desolator"
"3" "item_sange_and_yasha"
"4" "item_butterfly"
"1" "item_youritem"

Now you can easely make a chest for your rpg game :D If you want to make the chest loot on enemy death , look this another tutorial from Noya about an item drop system